Diabetes Grey Bruce

Site: Mobile Service

Record #: GRE0082
Last Modified: 17 Dec 2024
Last Full Update: 16 Dec 2024


Description (Service)

Offers education, treatment and support for people living with pre-diabetes or diabetes. One-on-one or group consultation on monitoring blood sugar levels, medications, healthy eating, exercise, and other lifestyle choices. Registered nurse, dietitian, social worker and a nurse practitioner on staff.

Diabetes clinics held at hospital sites throughout Grey and Bruce including: Hanover, Kincardine, Markdale, Meaford, Owen Sound, Southampton and Wiarton. Also offer outreach clinics at Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Saugeen First Nation.

Team offers following programs:

  • Adult Program - provides assessment and information for adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  • Insulin Pump Program - provides education and support for adults and children with type 1 diabetes who are using or considering using insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors.
  • Pediatric Program - team along with a registered social worker work with pediatrician to provide support, education and coaching in self management to children with diabetes and their families throughout their childhood and adolescence.
  • Pregnancy Gestational Program - diabetes team will provide expectant mom with support in diabetes management including information for healthy eating, physical activity, blood glucose testing and giving insulin. Support also available after delivery.

Service Details

Hours Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Other times may be available, call for information.
Areas Served Bruce County ; Grey County
Eligibility Individuals with pre-diabetes, gestational diabetes, type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
Application Call to book an appointment. Self referral.
Languages English
Fees None

Address and Location

Site Location Clinics held at various locations throughout Grey and Bruce counties, call or see website for details
Located In Community Owen Sound
Address & Map
Owen Sound, ON
Canada N4K 6M9
Physical Access Unknown - accessibility varies by location

Contact information

Office Phone 519-376-2121 ext 2876
Fax 519-371-7695
E-Mail info@diabetesgreybruce.ca
Website diabetesgreybruce.ca
Mailing Address c/o Brightshores Health System; 1800 8th St E 
Owen Sound, ON 
Canada N4K 6M9