United Way of Bruce Grey

Site: United Way of Bruce Grey

Service: Utility Assistance Program

Record #: CWD6172
Last Modified: 23 Oct 2024
Last Full Update: 22 Oct 2024


Description (Service)

The United Way of Bruce Grey is open to in-person meetings, but strongly urges people to reach out by email or phone with in-person service available by appointment. Mask wearing is mandatory for anyone not feeling well, regardless if it is COVID-19 or another illness.

Offers financial assistance for low-income families and individuals living below the poverty line to assist with utility payments.

A venture of the United Way of Bruce Grey and funded by community donations. The financial assistance offered by the program is coordinated with a network of community agencies working in partnership with Bruce County and Grey County Housing as well as other community partners.

For furnace oil, propane, cord wood and wood pellets, the program pays up to $700 pending funding availability and meeting the program's criteria. If approved the program pays for current needs or the next delivery - it does not cover arrears. For all COD (cash on delivery), requires pre-approval prior to ordering of any product - oil, propane or wood products.

  • CAUTION: Applicants with unpaid debts have been denied delivery by the service providers. Proceed with application, but be aware there are significant challenges to obtaining furnace oil, propane, cord wood and wood pellets if there are arrears.

For electricity and natural gas:

  • Customers of Wellington North Power (WNP) aka North Wellington Hydro are eligible for arrears assistance from UWBG, proceed with intake.

As the funding for the LEAP program will now be available all year, the UWBG will no longer be required to assist the following:

  • For customers of Hydro One and Enbridge, call LEAP for natural gas and electricity applications.
  • Westario Power applicants should call Bruce County Housing at 1-800-265-3022.

For sewer and water: Will provide only up to $500. May also be able to assist with municipal sewer and water bills for low-income individuals with at least two billing periods in arrears. Grant is credited directly towards the bill for the following municipalities:
Meaford: homeowners and renters
Owen Sound : renters only
Saugeen Shores: renters only

May provide up to $500 for furnace repairs. Repairs cannot be already done. May require a second opinion before repair work is started

Financial budgeting assistance is provided with this program.

Service Details

Public Comments May 1 update: Starting July 2nd, cord wood applicants are once again eligible for support and should make their application as soon as possible.
Name and contact information for the wood provider should be part of the 2-1-1 application. The United Way is unable to source cord wood for applicants. Cord wood providers must also be willing to take a cheque. The United Way does not pay in cash.
Furnace oil and propane: The United Way is tracking minimum deliveries. Depending upon the per litre price, the grant of $700 may NOT be enough to cover the cost of a minimum delivery. Applicants should be cautioned that they may need to provide additional funding directly to their provider before a delivery can be made. They can ask their provider directly what the minimum liter delivery is.
Hours Office: Mon-Thu 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Fri 8:30 am-3:30 pm
Dates: Can access program once per 12 months from Jul 1 to Jun 30 (unless funds are depleted)
Areas Served Bruce County ; Grey County
Eligibility Ages: 18 year(s) and up Low-income households who are at risk of disconnection or need assistance for oil, propane, cord wood and pellets and have exhausted all other sources of financial support. Assistance is also available for customers of Wellington North Power.

Applicants need to meet income requirements. Bill must be in the applicant's name. Approval of grant MUST be done prior to ordering of product.

United Way Bruce Grey will contact for assessment.

General Income guidelines: Single: Max income of $27,000.00 Couple: Max income of $34,000.00 Parent(s) 1 child: Max income of $40,500.00 Parent(s) 2 children: Max income of $45,000.00 Parent(s) 3+ children: Max income of $59,500.00
Application Grey and Bruce County residents call 2-1-1 to apply or to determine funding availability and eligibility.
Languages English
Fees None

Address and Location

Located In Community Owen Sound
Address & Map
380 9th St E
Owen Sound, ON
Canada N4K 1P1
View Google Map
Physical Access Not Accessible - No elevator. Ring bell at front door and staff will come downstairs

Contact information

Office Phone 2-1-1, To apply dial ; 519-376-1560
Toll Free Phone 1-800-794-1728
Fax 519-376-5458, Office
E-Mail assist@unitedwaybg.com
Website https://unitedwayofbrucegrey.com/services-offered/utility-assistance-program
Social Media Facebook Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Unitedwaybrucegrey
Primary Contact Karen Baxter, Utility Assistance Co-ordinator; Phone: 519-376-1560; Email: assist@unitedwaybg.com
Mailing Address 380 9th St E 
Owen Sound, ON 
Canada N4K 1P1

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